Thanksgiving edition of Throwback Thursday!

FactCite is taking Thursday off... in place of #TBT here is a Thanksgiving resource guide!
  • Sarah Josepha Hale: Sarah was instrumental in establishing Thanksgiving as a National Holiday! She also was the author of "Mary had a Little Lamb" and helped establish Vassar College.
    (Biography for Beginners and World Biography)
  • Pilgrims of Plymouth Plantation: Read about the life of the Pilgrims, who they were, and where they came from!
    (Biography for Beginners)
  • Plymouth Colony: Read more about the Plymouth colony. The American History entry provides primary source documents and information on the topic at a higher reading level! 
    (American History)
  • Thanksgiving Day: A short history of Thanksgiving Day.
    (American History)

Happy Thanksgiving from FactCite!